Level up
How do I ask for a raise?
How do I negotiate my job offer?
What will take my portfolio to the next level?
How do I choose between multiple offers?
How can I get promoted?
How can I work better with my PM?
How can I improve my visual design skills?
How can I give back to the design community?
Can you give me feedback on this project?
How should I spend my L&D budget?
Should I go to design school?
How can I get better at influence?
How can I build trust on my team?
How can I keep growing?
How can I break into design?
How can I get better at interviewing?
How can I inspire my team more effectively?
One of my reports isn't succeeding...how can I help them?
I'm feeling burnout
How do I tackle imposter syndrome?
When is the right time to hire?
Where do I get started building a design system?
How do I know I've found PMF?

Designing + building things is hard 😐
As a designer, it sometimes seems like you're expected to be good at everything, especially if you're the first designer on a team
so whether you’re just getting started in design or have been doing it for decades, everyone runs into challenges that could use an outside perspective.
I really love helping with that
I've done hundreds of one-on-one and group sessions working with people of different disciplines, experience levels, and backgrounds reflect on their goals and get to the next level in their work.
and I learn a lot through doing these too, like how to be a better manager and teammate
How can I sign up?

Schedule your first meeting, and we'll go from there. This first session is always free.
and if you’re a student, underrepresented in design/tech, or if cost would be a obstacle, it's free beyond that, too
For others, we may discuss an ongoing rate that lets us both invest in the relationship over time. We’ll discuss these details in our first conversation.
(many people are reimbursed through an company L&D budget—happy to talk through that, too)
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