Just Enough Research [Book]
By Erika Hall of Mule Design
↳ Erika recommends Practical Ethnography: A Guide to Doing Ethnography in the Private Sector [Book] by Sam Ladner, PhD., for researchers who are moving from academia to corporations
How to evaluate and prioritize research needs: Time management and prioritization for user researchers [Article]
By Andrew (Andy) Warr • UX Collective
Improve your startup’s surveys and get even better data
By Elizabeth Ferrall-Nunge, Director of User Research at Twitter • Published by GV
Principles of effective survey design [Article]
By Annie Steele, Head of Research at Stripe • Published by Stripe Atlas
Wikipedia’s Cognitive Bias Codex is a beautiful “radial dendrogram” showing 188 cognitive biases, each clickable and linked to their respective Wikipedia article. A go-to reference for learning about cognitive bias. (via Dense Discovery)
UXR Field Guide [E-book]
By my friend Q Carlson, SVP of Design at Project44
Moderating Best Practices [Article] and Moderating The Back Room [Article]
By Natalie Golub, Staff UXR at Coinbase